Lost in this land of confusion


For starters, why can’t you tab in on this?  Anyways…here goes the first of what I hope to be many blogs hereafter.  I know I could easily ‘chart’ my thoughts and feelings on my computer locked up somewhere for no one to find, but what would be the point?  Right now what I seek more then anything else is acceptance and love.  I need someone to see me and what surrounds me for what it is, take it all in and still say I love you.

Yes…I know I can be a difficult person to understand or even tolerate at times.  This in a sense is what would make me beautiful in some worlds.  If everything we felt, thought, or saw was simplistic would it really be all that interesting or even tempting to try to comprehend?  Life can not be this basic blank slate that no one ever really writes on for it to truly mean something.

I don’t want to spend time in my first blog going into great depth on how pitiful my life is now no matter how challenging it is to not do so.  Truthfully I know in my heart of hearts that life could be MUCH worse.  All I really need to tackle this first time around is the basics I think.

I lived a beaver cleaver life until the age of 12.  At that point it took a drastic turn (which I’m sure will come up in later blogs IF i decide to continue).  From there I took my life into a downward spiral, then up again, then down again, on and on and on…….I’m sure you get the point.  Each of us lives on our own roller coasters, it’s just a matter of whether we’re willing to admit it or not.  Now here I sit at 36 years of age seeking out that one thing all of us need in life.  Someone to confide in.  Someone to tell our inner most secrets to….and guess what?  I haven’t quite decided yet if it’s going to be you.

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